The Eco-Miasto program is a joint initiative of UNEP/GRID-Warsaw, an organization that has been carrying out the mission of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Poland since 1991, and the Embassy of France in Poland.
Eco-Miasto is a well-known brand among local government units in Poland. Through a series of workshops, the program serves as a platform for mutual inspiration, exchange of experiences, and education for local government officials, entrepreneurs operating in urban areas, and experts in sustainable urban development. The flagship initiative of the program is the annual competition for Polish cities. The experiences from successive editions of the Program are summarized in a conference and publication.
The program launched in 2013 and gained popularity as an initiative uniting cities around pro-environmental solutions. The involvement of the French Embassy facilitates the exchange of experiences between municipalities from Poland and France, stimulating discussions on universal ideas that are beneficial to people and the environment in urban centers.
The Eco-Miasto competition was initiated in 2013 and has since become one of the most recognized initiatives among local government units in Poland focused on environmental protection and promoting ecological solutions. The competition aims to popularize the idea of sustainable urban development and motivate municipalities to consider environmental aspects in decisions related to transportation, energy, climate change adaptation, and waste management. The winning projects from each edition of the competition now form a portfolio of inspiring urban initiatives available on the continuously updated Mapa Miast geoportal.
We invite all Polish cities and municipal unions, regardless of size, to participate in the competition. Entries are evaluated in separate categories for cities with populations above and below 100,000 residents. From these entries, the jury selects the best urban projects in each competition category applicable to that edition of the competition.

An essential part of the program involves substantive workshops. Spread over several months, these discussions focus on the possibilities and challenges facing cities, allowing for better responsiveness to the direction of public debate surrounding urban areas and municipal policy each year. They also facilitate collaboration with other entities promoting the ideals of sustainable urban development.
The culmination of each Eco-Miasto program edition is the Eco-Miasto Conference. Experts, environmental protection leaders, representatives of local governments, and Program Eco-Miasto partners are invited to participate. A highlight of the conference is the announcement of winning projects and the award ceremony for winning municipalities in the Eco-Miasto competition. The conference is valued for its opportunities to establish contacts and exchange information about inspiring initiatives for collective action.